
It's Crazy Coupon Code Time!

OK folks, I'll be honest, I'm on little sleep today thanks to a migraine and am hard at work on my Cyber Monday feature - some of you know what I'm talking about...

I'm feeling a bit crazy and fun. (I'm sure I'll crash in about three hours.)

So here's a coupon code to use at my Keen Tea Thyme shop now through this weekend! I will be launching the Holiday Shoppe this weekend (thanks to a snafu with the suppliers) but in the meantime you can use the code to check out other cool things.

To get the code you have to answer this question:

Was there turkey even at the first Thanksgiving? (Uh, this is the U.S. Thanksgiving, not the Canadian one, not to confuse my international readers. :) )

Email me your answers - bonus points if you can identify the news article I pulled this from - and I'll email you the coupon code worth...25% off. Bonus points = three free samples of my Adagio blends and/or Pink Pearls.

Happy Thanksgiving! Remember, calories don't count on holidays! :)