Calling all international tea bloggers! This page - InternationaliTEA or Int'liTEA for short - is YOUR locale, your haven, your humble abode on the Web!
Int'liTEA is a page much like my popular CelebriTEA page, but is exclusively for international tea bloggers! International means anyone outside the USA - from Europe, to Australia, to China, Japan... and our good friends in the Great White North/Canada!
This works the same as CelebriTEA - I'll feature your blog for a month - along with an article about you, your blog, your love of tea, anything else. Then after a month, your page will become part of the archives in a regular post.
I'll include any images you'd like - with full credit where due, of course. And your blog will be added to my blogroll.
This is an exciting new feature and I can't wait to get started! Interested parties, please email me - and if there's a specific month you'd like to be featured (say your b-day month, or the anniversary of your blog)!
Happy Brewing! :)