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Apparently a well-known British phrase? Help me out, blokes. :) |
OK, first off, I'm not a big fan of Tosh.0, nor Comedy Central (release South Park to a REAL channel so the cuss words aren't bleeped out. Yes, I'm 30 and still watch South Park. Never gets old. In your face, Simpsons).
But I've been home sick this weekend, doctor's orders. Most of my reader(s) - lol - know I suffer from migraines, but this is something worse. Somehow, the world's greatest couch potato/gamer got a herniated disc in her spine. We're not sure how this happened. It just hurts like a bleepity-bleep and sometimes the pills don't work.
Sometimes they do. I've had some crazy-ass dreams, ya'll.
Back to the topic. I have been neglecting my blog and for that I am sorry. So I've got a couple posts up my sleeve. First, tea calming on the (for whatever reason) popular Tosh.0. (Yes, I laugh at some of the videos. But when you boil down the TV show it's basically some wannabe comedian poking fun at internet videos. I can do that. My brother, who is freakin' hilarious, can do that. But I digress.)
There was a video in which some film maker was trying to promote an upcoming festival on a local news channel. In the middle of the interview, he threw up all over the reporter's desk. On live TV. Tosh does this web redemption segment when he gives the offending person another chance.
To calm Barfee he played soft music, set up a little desk Zen garden, and presented him with tea.
The tea did calm down the poor guy who was able to redo the interview and promote the festival. Or film. Or whatever. The point is, the tea helped. (I tried to find a link to the actual video...FAIL. Sorry folks.)
Tea has a calming effect. I've been drinking lots of tea lately, trying samples from new places, and trying to get more involved.
So I ask you, Dear Reader(s), what type of tea calms you the most? Post below. I'm Nosy Nancy today.
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