
CelebriTEA for Aug-Sept

CelebriTEA ©: August-September 2011

CelebriTEA ©: August-September 2011

Name/screenname: Lu Ann Pannunzio

Occupation: Advertising Student & PR Intern.

Location: Ontario Canada!

Lu Ann Pannunzio, author of The Tea Cup of Life, may have just started blogging about tea, but she’s been in love with tea for over a decade.

          “My journey with tea began when my sister brought home this adorable wooden box with strawberry flavored tea bags,” Lu Ann explained, adding that she was answering the questions with a cuppa tea in her hand. “At the time my mom was a bit skeptical of letting me drink a caffeinated beverage when I was seven but thought one cup wouldn't hurt. It obviously didn't but after that one cup I did not stop just there! Strawberries are my favorite fruit and having it in a unique tea blend was absolutely delicious. Afterwards, tea times have always been a great get together and catch up for my sister and me.”

          She’s no stranger to blogging, explaining that she has several scattered on the Web but didn’t consistently write in the blogs for lack of a theme. “Just this summer I realized I should probably talk about something I love and that's when I came across the idea for this tea blog. I'm slowly putting my dreams from five years ago into reality,” Lu Ann said.”It's been my dream to open up my own cafe one day with tea 24/7 and live jazz music - I guess that piece of inspiration came from my jazz musician boyfriend who is also a fun tea lover.”

          Lu Ann may have just gotten started but she already has a devoted following and plenty of posts. “I love doing interview posts because I always find the most inspiration through other peoples' thoughts and journeys,” Lu Ann said. “I would have to say that I also enjoy doing my "creativi-tea" segments which is basically on really neat tea stuff I find in stores or on the webs that I feel I really need to share to others.”

          She also loves writing her daily tea party segments for a week. “I was in a tea party crazy the weekend before so I thought it was a perfect time to share some of my items on my to do lists. If you want to check them out you can here.”

          While Lu Ann recognizes she’s one of many tea blogs, she hopes her readers enjoy the uniqueness. “I did not create mine [blog] to compete,” Lu Ann said. “I merely created mine to document my adventures with tea and keep all my ideas in one to reference back to when The Cup of Life becomes a real cafe. I encourage others to write blog posts for my blog as well! I really love hearing other people's stories and inspirations and they don't have to just be on tea. I'm a lover of many things. You can find more information on how to be a guest blogger here.”

She’s a lover of many tea varieties too, but enjoys quite a few oolong teas, explaining, “. I find them to be perfect for a great relaxing evening (or even a lazy morning!) and I love the smell of most of them as they brew. But as the season changes, so will my favorite tea at the moment.”

What’s on the agenda for future postings at The Tea Cup of Life?  “The Cup of Life is working on some really neat tea etiquette presentations that can be presented in person or online for events,” Lu Ann said. “If anyone may be interested in this they may contact us here.

But to sum up Lu Ann’s take on tea, she refers to her favorite quote, which is also posted on her blog: You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me."~ C.S. Lewis. “The quote continues to inspire me with every idea I may have including some upcoming ones,” Lu Ann added.

What is a CelebriTEA? This Keen Tea Thyme post features popular tea bloggers and their histories, passions, stories. Why? The online tea community is a vast resource of knowledge, tips, experiences – a place of conversation and sharing of passion.
Wanna be featured or know of a great blogger? E-mail me at keenteathyme@gmail.com
Please note: all work is copyrighted by the author. Do not use without permission; just ask!

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